Apr 29, 2012

Effective Negotiation Can Help You Resolve Some Situations

Effective negotiation
Effective negotiation helps you to resolve situations where what you want conflicts with what someone else wants. The aim of win-win negotiation is to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties, and leaves both parties feeling that they've won, in some way, after the event.

Where you do not expect to deal with people ever again and you do not need their goodwill, then it may be appropriate to "play hardball", seeking to win a negotiation while the other person loses out. Many people go through this when they buy or sell a house – this is why house-buying can be such a confrontational and unpleasant experience.

Similarly, where there is a great deal at stake in a negotiation, then it may be appropriate to prepare in detail and legitimate "gamesmanship" to gain advantage. Anyone who has been involved with large sales negotiations will be familiar with this.

Neither of these approaches is usually much good for resolving disputes with people with whom you have an ongoing relationship: If one person plays hardball, then this disadvantages the other person – this may, quite fairly, lead to reprisal later. Similarly, using tricks and manipulation during a negotiation can undermine trust and damage teamwork. While a manipulative person may not get caught out if negotiation is infrequent, this is not the case when people work together routinely. Here, honesty and openness are almost always the best policies.

The flinch is one of the oldest negotiation tactics but one of the least used. A flinch is a visible reaction to an offer or price. The objective of this negotiation tactic is to make the other people feel uncomfortable about the offer they presented. Here is an example of how it works.

You need to learn as much about the other person's situation. This is a particularly important negotiation tactic for sales people. Ask your prospect more questions about their purchase. Learn what is important to them as well as their needs and wants.

The negotiation itself is a careful exploration of your position and the other person's position, with the goal of finding a mutually acceptable compromise that gives you both as much of what you want as possible. People's positions are rarely as fundamentally opposed as they may initially appear – the other person may have very different goals from the ones you expect!

In an ideal situation, you will find that the other person wants what you are prepared to trade, and that you are prepared to give what the other person wants.

If this is not the case and one person must give way, then it is fair for this person to try to negotiate some form of compensation for doing so – the scale of this compensation will often depend on the many of the factors we discussed above. Ultimately, both sides should feel comfortable with the final solution if the agreement is to be considered win-win.

Only consider win-lose negotiation if you don't need to have an ongoing relationship with the other party as, having lost, they are unlikely to want to work with you again. Equally, you should expect that if they need to fulfill some part of a deal in which you have "won," they may be uncooperative and legalistic about the way they do this.

It is better to walk away from a sale rather than make too large a concession or give a deep discount your product or service. After attending my workshops, salespeople often tell that this negotiation strategy gives them the most leverage when dealing with customers. However, it is particularly challenging to do when you are in the midst of a sales slump or slow sales period. But, remember that there will always be someone to sell to.

Negotiating is a way of life in some cultures. And most people negotiate in some way almost every day. Apply these negotiation strategies and you will notice a difference in your negotiation skills almost immediately.

Apr 24, 2012

Debt Negotiation Is Often The Most Fruitful Way Of Getting Money Back From The Debtor

debt negotiation
Debt negotiation is a common process. During this process, people hired by a debtor try and negotiate the loan amount with credit companies. Generally after this negotiation, the loan amount negotiated is not just lower, the debtor is also freed from all the loans after consolidation of all loans after this one.
Negotiating Debt Settlement is observed very commonly inside the commercial collection agency environment, once the person very quickly reaches the dead end of debt trap by mounting consumer credit card debt. Once the credit-based card company is not really receiving the payments for decades, the task is trusted into the collecting agencies, which are recognized for their range diverse tactics of screwing the customer. Now the debtor accumulates defensive attitude and moves towards credit card debt settlement negotiation.
The benefit of negotiation happens that the person who is in debt can pay off at least minimum of loan amount. This saves the credit company from hiring legal teams, filing foreclosure and also trying to get money by selling person's assets. However, in case where the fixed asset is not mortgaged, it is common that the company may end up losing up all the money that is owned by the creditor.
During debt negotiation there are a variety of things taken under consideration. These are the earning capacity, number of persons earning, total income of the family as against total debt and liabilities. This also ascertains whether or not the family or individual will be able to repay the loan. If it is found that the loan cannot be repaid rather only the amount if negotiated can be repaid, in such cases companies allow debt negotiation. If it is found that the family or individual can repay loan the credit company will try to get complete amount from the person.
Most of the times, debt negotiation is done by a credit counselor. This could be a person working privately for a company or could be an independent entity. In both cases, it is the main aim of this person to get your debt reduced considerably. You may have to pay this person, however it does not need to be immediate. At times the payment is determined depending upon how much debt has been actually reduced. Commission payment is always the calculated as percentage of amount reduced in debt. Payment terms are determined by both parties mutually.
Upon reduction in debt, terms of payment, rate of interest and duration of the loan is also determined. Generally after debt negotiation, fresh papers are prepared. It depends on the credit company to determine whether or not credit rating of this person would be affected.
Any moment when was situation of credit card debt settlement negotiation payment agreement when using the lender, almost everything need to be written form duly accepted and signed by the parties linked to presence of two witnesses also filling out the proposal of paper agreement. Moreover the money really should not be paid without the presence of formal agreement getting executed in a very legal manner.
Precious time the debt settlement negotiation efforts take lot of time each time what seem slipping as opposed to reaching to desired agreement. Always get started with an extremely lower amount figure to make sure that after hectic negotiations the number of repayment settled is within the targeted figure for negotiation.
Debt negotiation is often the most fruitful way of getting money back from the debtor, it saves time and also it saves the debtor his dignity. It can also help the debtor in stabilizing his financial status.

Apr 19, 2012

Knowing Negotiating Skills Will Take Advantage Of You

Negotiating Skills
Negotiations are vital in any financial transaction. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, it's essential that you know how to ask for the most appropriate terms and conditions that are best for both parties involved. If you're a homeowner who is selling your home by yourself, it's praiseworthy if you know how to negotiate well without offending potential buyers.

A successful negotiation concerning a real estate transaction entails knowing the basic negotiation techniques, the motives of the other party and adapting to their

The key to a good negotiation is being able to communicate your message clearly and effectively to the buyer. Developing a professional attitude without being too emotional about selling your property is as important. If you don't agree to the buyer's purchase price, engage him or her in negotiations. Ask for an explanation about his offered buying price if it's less than your selling price. Did he or his agent checked the prices of comparable homes or did they find any defect in your property?

After considering the buyer's position, you can then decide to lower a little your selling price. Be able to explain how you came up with your price as well. Make sure your calculations and figures are correct so that by the time you negotiate, you are in a strong position. Consulting with a financial advisor is a good step.

Learn about your home's true market value. You can do this by hiring a professional appraiser with the proper license and experience to assess your home and give you a real market value. Another option is to ask real estate agents about listing your home for sale. They usually provide a comparative market analysis showing you the selling prices of similar homes in your neighborhood that recently sold.

Also, be open in discussing property defects. Do allow a home inspection if the buyer so desires. If the inspection reveals defects other than what you know, you can lower your price by a portion of the repair cost. But of course, you can always avoid this by maintaining the good condition of your home so potential buyers will not have any reason to offer a low purchase price. Repair obvious defects in your home before putting it on the market. Repaint walls, ceilings, doors if needed, thoroughly clean your home and remove all clutter and organize your appliances and accessories to create more space.

Be prepared to offer a good deal so that prospective buyers won't need to ask for some major changes in the purchase agreement. You may only have to negotiate on some minor issues like the amount of deposit, the date for your moving out and the buyer's moving in as well as the personal items included in the sale. Make the buyer feel that he is not spending so much for the house. Once you achieve this, the transaction will most likely have its closing on time.

Finally, negotiate only with potential buyers who have been pre-qualified for a mortgage loan. Don't waste your time entertaining buyers who are not serious with their offer. You can ask prospective buyers over the phone if they are pre-qualified. Don't be afraid to ask those who are visiting your house too. There's never any harm in asking.

Useful skills for negotiation are strategies and techniques to overcome your nerves, perhaps through public speaking classes or a professional club such as the Toastmasters. Along with overcoming your nerves the reader will find useful information on how to develop presentation skills, how builds a positive impression, and suggestions on how best to practices these skills. Listening in order to be able to meet the needs of the other person is also covered; strategies on how to hold another person's attentions; how to avoid giving a false impression; how to ask questions so the other person will answer and continue with negotiations; the importance and how to make a positive connection with the other person; the role of humor; the role and importance of body language; how impact cultural background and upbringing play on negotiations; how to check your own body's signals; how to develop empathy, patience, and persistence are also covered in the first chapter.

The next chapter looks at how to use pauses and silence in the process of negotiation. The author details the strategies which will the reader can practice and implement in order to be successful in using pauses and silence the negotiation process. This chapter also discusses ways to say "no" without damaging the process.

Chapter three addresses strategies on how to guard and protect your reputation as a negotiator; how other may perceive your negotiation style; way to treat the other person with respect; the importance of telling stories and how they can backfire; suggested tactics; how to avoid the blame game; the importance of knowing the value of each point to each party involved in the negotiation process; what are the important elements of a successful negotiation; how to reassure the other person; and the importance of keeping records of the negotiation agreements.

The following chapter is dedicated to how to deal with aggression; how to avoid their attitude affecting your response; the possible reasons for a forceful approach; how to identify their real motivation and what to do; how to handle the offer of "splitting the difference" to benefit you; how to ensure a win-win agreement; and the importance of focusing on the benefits and features above the price; how to handle indecisiveness; the importance of painting a picture for the other party; what are the elements of a standard practice in negotiations; what it means and how to handle "subject to outside approval; and the importance of timing.

The next section focuses on the tactic of "good cop and bad cop" and how this can be beneficial in the negotiation process; how to handle last minute additions to the agreement; and a list of other tactics.

The following section provides detailed steps on: what to do before the negotiations begin; steps for proper preparation and it importance. The author provides a list of things you need to know before hand: your figures, your options, your desired outcomes and as much as possible about the other party. The author points out common errors and how they impact the negotiation process; the importance of knowing who has authority to make the deal. There is a list of things you need to find out about the other party such as how important is the deal to them; are they under pressure to get results; is the pressure do to time and/or financial constrains; and are there other strong prospects. There are steps for preparation: plan exactly how you will present your offer; how to identify possible responses for the other party; how to identify other points which you don't want the other party to bring up and how to handle it if they do; make a list of possible concessions or bonuses; and make a list of all the things you need to get from the deal.

The next chapter looks at how to deal and identify your prime objective and fallback options. There is a discussion on the importance of having the option to say no to the deal/negotiation process; how your physical health will impact the negotiation process; tips on handling stress and traveling; and how to gauge the value of an item. There are six points to determining the value of an item: what was paid for it; what it cost to make; the value of its components; the replacement costs; the benefit to the buyers; and the value after one year.

Apr 13, 2012

Successful Negotiation Strategies And Tactics Give You Important Progress

Many untrained individuals fail to realize that negotiations is a "people and relations" technique, and not a "force the other person" concept. People who enter into a negotiation simply wanting to get the most he can, without considering the needs of the other side, almost never gets an optimum result. Trained negotiators realize that it takes "give and take," and learning the needs of the other side.

An effective negotiator always does his homework about both the overall industry that the negotiation is related to, as well as the specific needs of the party that he is having his discussion with. There is an extremely delicate balance in negotiations, as well. Ask too little and one may be giving up important concessions, which may cost his side lots of money. On the other hand, ask too much, and there are a few possible scenarios. One possibility is that your "opponent" may become frustrated, or feel that you are not negotiating in good faith, or that you cannot possibly be pleased or satisfied, or that if he accepts your terms, it is not profitable and/ or worthwhile to his side. In that scenario, negotiations may break down, or be discontinued completely. Another possibility is that the other side, because of economic pressures or miscalculation, gives in to your "unworkable demands." While the latter may appear great to the negotiating novice, this second scenario is often disastrous because when "push comes to shove," the other side realizes it must "cut corners," and you end up with an inferior result.  To know more about successful negotiation strategies and tactics, browse through the article below.

Disagreements over certain things, have always led people to fight or have 'cold war'. Trivial things, if not solved through dialog, often tend to become issues over time. Brothers disagreeing with each other over a business decision, husband and wife having issues relating to child care, or employees resenting their employer are very common conflicts, which can be solved by successful negotiation. To answer all such problems, you should have the ability to manage such situations with good convincing powers and reach to a resolution that is equally beneficial for both the parties.

Goal of Negotiation

The goal of negotiation should be such that at the end, whatever the outcome or solution, it is beneficial for all and everybody comes out as a winner. In a successful negotiation, there is no 'I' or 'You'; there's only 'We'. That's the main motto of a successful negotiation strategy. It is often seen that 'losers' will always try to defy and retaliate against the 'winners'. This is where the 'ego' enters and problems start.

Successful Negotiation Tactics
Proper business communication is a key element in effective negotiation in large or small organizations. Communication involves understanding, listening properly to the other person and speaking in a convincing manner. These tactics are dealt with below.

Convincing someone with your speaking ability is the greatest gift of all, that guides a person to great heights. One example is Adolf Hitler - however bad the history may highlight with him, he ignited the minds of many by his ornateness. Convincing is explaining the problem to the opposite party in a clear and concise way. The main emphasis should be on the use of words. For example, "I go mad when you" is used rather than "I become upset when you". The former statement is too aggressive and can lead to more bitterness between the people.

A very important tool in the art of successful negotiation is the ability to listen carefully and encouraging the other person to share thoughts and feelings. Listen, and then give a positive feedback. This will have a positive effect on the person, who will then likely listen to you with attention too. Encouraging the person by making an eye contact when he is speaking or saying, "I fully understand that you want to say...", etc., makes the person feel that you are into the dialog with interest. Poor listening skills land you in more trouble.

Understanding each other's concern is the beginning of a successful negotiation. If you are a good listener, you will surely understand the other person's problem. Body language, facial expressions, hand gestures and eye contact are few things, that tell about a persons thoughts and feelings. Make statements that encourage communication like, "Do you want to talk about it?".
Successful Negotiating Tips
  • Show respect and understand the other person's values and beliefs
  • Recognize and define the problem
  • Look for different possible solutions
  • Be reliable
  • Communicate properly
Negotiating successfully is an art that comes with time and by practicing all the above. Be patient; never be in hurry to solve a problem. Understanding the other person will help you to approach the problem better.

Apr 2, 2012

Business Communication Skill Makes Negotiations Successful

Any successful leader knows that at the core of any plan of growth lies the need for exceptional business communication skills. Everything that happens around you is the result of some negotiation. Any plan of action, any campaign, any decision - you are negotiating at every step of the way. You want the other person to agree and work with you - whether this is your co-worker, team member, boss, top management or a person outside your business.

When you are negotiating a contract with your AV supplier, it is best to keep the "win-win" mentality and attitude right from the start. Both the event meeting planning company and the audio visual firm want to achieve the best deal for their respective organizations. For the planner, it is keeping their costs down and for the AV company, it is keeping their profits up. So how can we do this? Below, are six common sense, but creative ways, to work with an event audio visual rental company and make everyone come out of the negotiations with a smile on their face.

What Makes Negotiations Successful?

So, what type of business communication skills do you use to win a negotiation? The term 'winning' -used very often - is actually a wrong connotation because when you say 'win' the implied result for the other party is 'lose'. Thus there is likely to be acute resistance from the party with whom you are negotiation. The keyword for success is win-win; in other words, a middle path that makes both parties happy.

Is it possible that you will always be able to work out a win-win situation? Is it possible that you will be able to resolve conflict with this approach? Common sense says that this is not possible. So, what do you do? The answer is, you use your exceptional communication skills to project it as a win-win situation to the opposite party.

How Do You Orchestrate A Win-Win Negotiation?

There are many ways of helping the other party to see your point of view. That is the key to any growth plan. The easiest way to do this is when the other party believes that this is a win-win situation for both of you. How do you do this?

Do your homework thoroughly - you will need to come across as confident at many of the points in negotiations. Good business communication skill would entail that the other person believes you. This is possible only when you know the whole story (your side and their side) inside out. Before you set out for any type of negotiation, you need to do your homework.

Prepare for the worst case scenario - you cannot negotiate anything if you are scared of the outcome. Fear has a way of showing itself, and when you are fearful you cannot stay in charge of the situation. The dictates of stellar business communication skills demands that you never show fear, hesitation, doubt - unless these would help with the outcome of your negotiation and you are knowingly showing this doubt or fear.

You can be fearless only when you are aware and prepared for the worst case scenario. It is like you have nothing to lose as you are prepared with Plan B, Plan C and a Plan D if required. Being prepared means you also have excellent business communication skills.