Dec 11, 2011

How To Dress For Negotiation

When you are going for an interview you have to be very cautious about your dress. Interview is a formal introduction with your perspective employer so wearing flashy or sexy clothes won’t do the trick. It is always wise to leave good impression on your employer by talking and behaving nicely without leaving bad impression.
As per a saying, your clothing tells a lot about your professionalism and helps in obtaining a job easily. In this article I am going to give you few interview dressing tips which will help you in securing a good job by leaving a nice impression on your employer.
Do not wear a strong perfume. Your employer or the HR might be allergic to strong perfume and would not like to indulge in long conversation.
Wearing proper business shoes will always be a good idea. Do not wear fancy or flashy shoes. Make sure your socks color matches with your dress and shoes.
Avoid wearing casual clothes while going for an interview. It would be nice to wear proper business suit to leave a big impact on the business community. Idea is to look closer to their culture and not to look alien in their world.
Some women find it very difficult to wear business suit because their body doesn’t allow them to wear such tight suits but believe me it will always be wise to wear nice business suit than any other casual suit. If business suit of good color is worn with dignity it will look good and leave a very nice impact. Do not choose colors which you wear for parties.
Business community and your employer is not interested in jewelry so avoid them as much as you can. Still, you can wear a very light pendant which matches with your business suit.
Do not wear heavy makeup and avoid any kind of hair sparkles. You are not getting ready for a party so just avoid all those and wear a very light and bright makeup.
Do not style your hairs in a vogue fashion; just tie them in a professional manner.
Display excellent hygiene by cleaning your nails, teeth’s. Personal hygiene counts as much as any other characteristics.
It is a common misconception that wearing sexy and short clothes will help in securing a job but its nothing but a myth. No organization will hire just because you wear short clothes, they would rather prefer decent clothing.
Sport a nice smile on your face and look relaxed even when you are asked a tough or complicated question.