Dec 23, 2011

Jobs And Employment

We are kicking off June to an early start by blogging about a topic that seems to be on everyone’s minds right now – JOBS & Employment! We will share with you articles of interest, provide you helpful tools and resources to aid you in your job search, and help answer questions that you might as you embark on this journey. We invite you to subscribe to our posts if you have not already done so, recommend & like our website to your friends and colleagues, and ask us your questions and provide feedback on the posts you read here.
All of this will help us tailor our topics to what you would like to read and learn more in your community locally in Milwaukee & statewide in Wisconsin. We are continually exploring and establishing new partnerships with other advocate agencies, employers, and local businesses to bring you an enriched portal with valuable resources.
The first post in this two part series is the Campaign for Disability Employment’s Outreach Toolkit. This is a great resource that promotes positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities in your business and community! The Campaign for Disability Employment is a collaborative effort to promote positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities by encouraging employers and others to recognize the value and talent they bring to the workplace. This toolkit contains resources that employers and groups can use in their outreach activities and website to promote awareness. These materials and resources are available for free on their website.
Being employed, having a job, supporting their family, being happy and healthy are all important factors in people’s lives today. In today’s economic climate, being able to find a good balance between all these factors can be quite challenging. In a recent article that CNN Money published, you can read How to find a job in 2011. The article discusses that though the job outlook is improving, the rules of landing a job have changed. The way job seekers are connecting with potential employers is also changing. If you are a job seeker reading this article, we’d like to hear the challenges you face in today’s job market. If you are someone that recently found a job through social networking, we’d like to hear your success story.
Please share your experience with us and the iCare-2b community in the comments section below. We hope that your stories and experiences will inspire others to continue their job search journeys and not to give up hope!