Dec 19, 2017

Taiwan, Japan hold maritime cooperation talks

Representatives from Taiwan and Japan yesterday met in Taipei for the second time to discuss maritime cooperation, expressing confidence that robust ties would allow them to overcome even the most formidable challenge through dialogue.

The two-day closed-door meeting opened at the Grand Hotel, where Taiwan-Japan Relations Association President Chiou I-jen and his Japanese counterpart, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Chairman Mitsuo Ohashi, raised the curtain for the event with a hug, a handshake and a brief speech.

Chiou said the challenges serve as a test for both sides, but given the firm friendship between Taipei and Tokyo, and their shared strategic viewpoints, he believes the problems could be resolved step-by-step through dialogue.

Ohashi said he hoped that the two sides could boost cooperation on maritime affairs to spur Taiwan-Japan relations, which have entered a new phase with increased trade, culture and tourism exchanges.

Ohashi said that the 2013 inking of a Taipei-Tokyo bilateral fisheries agreement after years of uneasy negotiations shows that faced with a complex problem, both sides are able to look at the big picture and meet public expectations.

The agreement aims to end disputes over fishing in waters surrounding the contested Diaoyutai Islands, also known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan.

Taiwan’s delegation is headed by association Secretary-General Chang Shu-ling and includes officials from the Fisheries Agency, the Coast Guard Administration, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The first round of the meeting, held under the Taiwan-Japan Maritime Affairs Cooperation Dialogue Mechanism, took place in Tokyo in October last year. During the meeting, the two sides failed to reach a consensus on the Okinotori Atoll issue, but agreed to set up a task force on scientific ocean surveys and fishery cooperation.

Nov 20, 2017

PH, Russia sign cooperation agreement on education

A historic cooperation agreement on education was signed by the Philippines and Russia after more than a decade of negotiations, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) announced on Friday.

The PH-Russia cooperation on education was forged on the sidelines of the 31st ASEAN Summit at the Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City, CHED Commissioner and Spokesman J. Prospero De Vera III, said in a statement.

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and Russian Federation Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev witness the exchange of signed agreements between Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Lydmila Ogorodova and Commission on Higher Education Commissioner J. Prospero de Vera during the bilateral meeting at the Coconut Palace in Pasay City on November 13, 2017.

The cooperation agreement was made official with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Higher Education between the CHED of the Philippines and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

President Rodrigo Duterte and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev witnessed the signing of the agreement by De Vera and Deputy Minister Lydmila Ogorodova.

Duterte’s visit to Russia, De Vera said, “cemented good relations between the two states especially in higher education.” He added that since that visit, “communication between Russia and the Philippines on possible higher education cooperation became constant and robust and concluded with the signing of this vital agreement.”

Both countries will also facilitate discussion on a possible agreement on mutual recognition of education, qualifications and academic degrees; exchange of methodological literature, teaching aids, information on cooperation opportunities for research in higher education; and exchange of training programs; and promotion of participation in educational congresses, conferences, seminars, symposiums, training courses and exhibitions.”

Oct 21, 2017

Top KSA-Iraq meet to explore areas of cooperation today

A meeting of the Saudi-Iraq Coordinating Council is set to begin at the headquarters of the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) here on Saturday.

Presentations on the KAPSARC and the Export Development Authority will be made during the maiden meeting ,which will be followed by cultural events and dinner.
On Sunday, the council will hold a meeting at Al-Faisaliah Hotel in Riyadh, where officials from the two countries will explore areas of cooperation in the presence of ministers from the two countries and senior government officials.
A series of presentations highlighting the investment opportunities, will be made by organizations such as the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority, SABIC and the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization.
The Saudi side will be led by Commerce and Investment Minister Majid Al-Qassabi, while the Iraqi team will be led by Sulaiman Al-Jumaili. Six other Iraqi ministers will also be part of the visiting delegation.
According to a statement to Arab News, the meeting aims to enhance communication between the two countries at the strategic level, deepen mutual political trust and open new horizons of cooperation in various fields including economic development, security, investment, tourism, culture and media.
In addition, important international and regional affairs, protection of common interests, development of partnerships between the private sectors of the two countries, cooperation in scientific research, exchange of visits, and participation in training programs will also be up for discussion during the meeting.
In a statement to our sister paper, Asharq Al-Awsat, Abdul Aziz Al-Shammari, charge d’affaires of the Saudi Embassy in Baghdad, said that the Saudi-Iraqi Coordination Council will cover all vital and important areas between the two countries — political, economic, commercial, security, cultural and others.
Al-Shammari stressed that this step is vital in boosting bilateral ties between Riyadh and Baghdad.

Sep 19, 2017

How Singapore-China ties have kept up with the times

For past China-Singapore economic and trade cooperation, not only was it strong from a wide point of view, there were many pragmatic projects. There are several industrial parks at the national and provincial levels. When we talk about China-Singapore cooperation, the cooperation in industrial parks is very conspicuous, such as the Suzhou Industrial Park, the flagship project between both nations. In today's economic and trade relations, there are changes in the regional economies, and there are also changes in the industrial economy. What do you think are the new ways and formats to further promote the trade and economic cooperation between China and Singapore?

Country to country, the first important project between China and Singapore was the Suzhou Industrial Park which began in the early 1990s. At that time, China was developing different development zones, attracting investment and wooing foreign investments, so we developed the Suzhou Industrial Park. It was (mainly) the transfer of software - transferring the software of some industrial park management and attracting investments. The industrial park can now be said to be mature, successful, and may even have a chance to be listed one day. This can be said to be the first flagship project.

The second flagship project was the Tianjin Eco-City which we did 10 years ago. At that time, China was concerned about sustainable development and environmental protection, so the eco-city focused on these two themes. (However) the eco-city was not limited to these two themes in the last 10 years. We are now talking about some issues of the smart cities, and have also held some projects on healthcare training. This is also related to issues of social management and social policy.

Aug 19, 2017

Journalists, public cooperation key to fighting fake news

While not new, disinformation and fake news continue to be a problem as it can be very persuasive and look real. However, is it something that journalists and the public can work together to fight?

Speakers during the Asia Journalism Forum in Singapore said on Friday that while difficult it can be done, but with the cooperation of media and the audiences that they serve.
However, it is not an easy task, particularly in the Philippines, where many get their stories from Facebook, which can be accessed for free on mobile phones.

While traditional media such as TV, radio, and newspapers continue to be widely watched, listened to, and read by Filipinos, digital news has become a go-to for the young and old, particularly due to the boon of free mobile access.
One problem, said former Agence France-Presse editor-in-chief Eric Wishart, is that this free access has led to a phenomenon where many Filipinos consider Facebook their primary source of information.

“Retractions can backfire,” he said, as there is a danger that people will remember the myth more than the fact — thus, the burden is also on journalists to ensure that they put the facts first, so as not to reinforce false information in the minds of their audiences.
However, for historian Farish Ahmad-Noor, during this new “industrial revolution”, the advent of digital technology, social networks render meaningful contact difficult.

This, especially because technological advances seem to make spreading fake news easy, despite also opening up the world to new opportunities and benefits of easily accessible information.
Facebook is continuously adding features such as tweaking the site so users can see less ads for low-quality pages, downgrading clickbait, and adding recommendations for related news on certain issues.

Jul 19, 2017

Commodities Futures Trading Commission Launches Cooperation Initiative

When investigating potential wrongdoing, government investigators have  powerful tools that they can use to obtain information. As the U.S. Attorneys’ Manual explains, one such tool is the ability to enter into non-prosecution agreements (NPAs) in exchange for cooperation from companies and individuals.

For example, if a corporate executive has valuable information to offer in a criminal investigation of his employer or other employees, the DOJ can enter into an NPA with that exec, agreeing not to prosecute him or her in order to secure the information.

The use of NPAs has spread beyond the DOJ to other enforcement agencies, most recently the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, or CFTC, which oversees trading in derivatives markets, such as the markets for gasoline, gold, and foreign currency.

In a recent blog post, my colleague Aitan Goelman (the former Enforcement Director of the CFTC) described how, for the “first time in recorded history,” the CFTC granted NPAs to former traders at Citibank Global Markets, Inc. The traders, who were relatively junior, provided information that the CFTC used to secure settlements and fines against other Citi traders and their employer. In exchange for this information, the CFTC agreed not to take action against them based on their own wrongdoing.

The rise of NPAs in investigations of corporate wrongdoing may not be unchecked, however. While a Senator, Attorney General Jeff Sessions questioned the use of NPAs and DPAs, as detailed in this blog post from FCPA Professor. It remains to be seen whether the Sessions-led DOJ will deemphasize NPAs in favor of foregoing more corporate prosecutions entirely or seeking more indictments and guilty pleas.

Jun 20, 2017

Chinese, Canadian PMs talk relations, international issues

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a telephone conversation Monday to discuss relations between their two countries and international and regional issues of common concern.


During the phone conversation, Li said China and Canada have made new progress in exchange and cooperation in various fields, recalling that the two country's economic and financial strategic dialogue has been initiated, and saying that the third round of feasibility research on the establishment of a free trade zone is about to be held.

Li noted that China is willing to strengthen coordination of development strategies with Canada, promote in an in-depth way cooperation in trade and investment, clean energy, environment protection, agriculture and other fields on the basis of mutual respect and enhancement of mutual trust, and actively launch cooperation with Canada in developing third-party markets, in making concerted efforts to promote liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, and in realizing greater development of China-Canada relations.

On climate change, Li said China as a major developing country and signatory of the 2015 Paris climate agreement is committed to taking the green, low carbon and sustainable development path, which, Li stressed, is not only the intrinsic requirement of systemic transformation and upgrading of China's economic structure, but is also part of China's assumption of responsibility for building a community of shared future for mankind.

With a view to synchronizing development plans and promoting joint actions amongst countries along the Maritime Silk Road, setting up the all-dimensional, multi-tiered and broad-scoped Blue Partnership, jointly protecting and sustainably utilizing marine resources to achieve harmony between man and the ocean for common development and enhancement of marine welfare, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) hereby issue The Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the Vision) to build a peaceful and prosperous 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.

May 18, 2017

India-Australia to sign pact on terror cooperation

New Delhi, May 17 (PTI India and Australia will soon sign a pact on cooperation in combating international terrorism and transnational organised crime as the government gave its nod to it today.

A meeting of the Union cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, gave approval to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between India and Australia on cooperation in combating international terrorism and transnational organised crime with retrospective effect.

The proposed MoU would strengthen the relationship between India and Australia for building peace and stability in the region through exchange of information, expertise, experience and capacity building, an official statement said.

The pact is an effective framework to deal with all issues requiring interaction and cooperation in the areas identified.

The mutual cooperation would facilitate the institutional interactions between the two countries.

The MoU, once in force, would help in curbing combating international terrorism and transnational organised crime, the statement said.

The cabinet has also given its approval to the faculty exchange agreement signed between the National Defence College, New Delhi and National Defence College, Dhaka, Bangladesh with retrospective effect.

The objective of the agreement is to institutionalise regular exchange programmes and establish sustainable mechanisms between the two national defence colleges with an aim to enhancing mutual cooperation in the field of national security, development and strategic studies, an official statement said.

Given the geographical and cultural closeness between the two countries, there are many common challenges like countering terrorism that needs joint action.

Hence, there is a need for better coordination and cooperation among the armed forces, it said.

The exchange of faculty members of the premier institutes will help to bring symmetry in the capacities of the armed forces and contribute to countering and managing common threats and challenges much better.

Apr 7, 2017

Xi, Trump pledge to expand win-win cooperation, manage differences

MAR-A-LAGO, United States, April 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, pledged on Friday to expand mutually beneficial cooperation and manage differences on the basis of mutual respect.

The two leaders also agreed that their first meeting, held at the seaside Mar-a-Lago resort in the U.S. state of Florida, was "positive and fruitful."
During their talks over the past two days, Xi and Trump exchanged views on key areas of bilateral cooperation as well as global and regional issues of common concern.
Xi said his first meeting with Trump bears unique significance to the development of China-U.S. ties.
He added that he and Trump, during the meeting, have also gained better understanding of each other, cemented their mutual trust, scored many major consensuses, and built up a good working relationship.
The two sides need to further enhance their relations so as to better serve the interests of the two countries and their peoples, and to promote world peace and prosperity, Xi said.
China and the United States are now each other's biggest trading partner, from which the two peoples benefit a lot, said Xi.
Xi said China is pushing forward the supply-side structural reform, boosting domestic demand and increasing the share of the services industry in its national economy.
Xi also underlined the importance of further enhancing law enforcement cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.
"I think we have made tremendous progress in our relationship with China," the White House cited Trump as saying after meeting with Xi, adding that the relationship developed by Xi and himself is "outstanding."
U.S. representatives have been meeting one-on-one with their Chinese counterparts, and progress has been made, said the U.S. president.
Trump said the United States is willing to further strengthen cooperation with China in economy, military affairs and people-to-people exchanges, and support China's efforts in hunting for fugitives who have fled abroad and recovering illicit money.
Ahead of the two presidents' second round of talks, senior Chinese and U.S. officials on Friday initiated the comprehensive economic dialogue and the diplomatic and security dialogue, two of the four pillars of the newly established bilateral dialogue mechanisms.

Mar 10, 2017

Turkish, Russian news agencies sign cooperation deal

Turkey's Anadolu Agency and Russia's official TASS news agency have signed a cooperation deal in the Russian capital Moscow on Friday.

The agreement was signed by Anadolu Agency Chairman and Director-General Senol Kazanci and TASS Director-General Sergey Mihaylov at a ceremony at Kremlin Palace in presence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip and Russian President Vladimir Putin following their face to face meeting.

The agreement covers exchange of news stories and photos.

It also aims to enable flow of fast and accurate news between the two news agencies as well as sharing of their experiences.

As part of the deal, TASS will be able to benefit from Anadolu Agency's War Journalism Program.

Turkey's oldest news corporation Anadolu Agency broadcasts in eleven languages, including Turkish, English, French, Arabic, Persian, Kurdish (two dialects), Russian, Macedonian, Bosnian (three dialects) and Albanian, which enables it to reach millions of people around the world.

AA covers the world with its correspondents in 81 countries.

Feb 27, 2017

Malaysia, Saudi Arabia will form joint working committee on exchange of experts

A joint working committee between Malaysia and Saudi Arabia will be formed to review the skills required by both countries in an exchange of experts initiative, said Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem.

This followed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the governments of Malaysia and Saudi Arabia in the field of human resources and manpower which was sealed Monday.

"Today's MoU is a bit different because normally I sign matters relating to labour for the recruitment of foreign workers to work in this country.

"But today is for the exchange of experts that we have in various skills to contribute to both countries," he told reporters after representing Malaysia in signing the MoU in Seri Perdana here.

The MoU was signed jointly with Saudi Arabia's Social Development and Workers Minister Dr Ali Nassir Al Ghafies and witnessed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Dr Ali Nassir also represented Saudi Arabia in signing the MoU in the field of scientific and educational cooperation with Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh.

Idris said the MoU was pertaining to strategic cooperation between the two countries in the exchange of lecturers, student mobility and studies being implemented in the higher education institutions of both countries.

Besides the two MoUs, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia also signed several major agreements, including on cooperation in the economic field.
Also sealed today was the MoU between the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) and Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on cooperation in news exchange.

Jan 2, 2017

Enhance cooperation to protect common interests

BRICS countries should enhance solidarity, cooperation and safeguard common interests as they face growing uncertainties and instabilities in international situations, according to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who assumes the Presidency of the five-member bloc this year.

Facing growing uncertainties and instability in international affairs, BRICS countries need to enhance solidarity and safeguard common interests, Mr. Xi said in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Russia President Vladimir Putin, South African President Jacob Zuma and Brazilian President Michel Temer, official media reported.

Briefing fellow BRICS leaders about China’s blueprint for promoting cooperation among the member states during China’s presidency of the bloc this year, Mr. Xi said Beijing will host the ninth BRICS leaders’ summit in Xiamen, a coastal city in southeastern China’s Fujian province in September this year.

The summit will focus on four aspects, deepening pragmatic cooperation for common development, enhancing global governance to jointly counter challenges, carrying out people-to-people exchanges to consolidate public support for cooperation and promoting mechanism-building to construct broader partnership, said Mr. Xi, also the General Secretary of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC).

The Shanghai-based bank headed by Indian banker K V Kamath has started disbursing loans for various green infrastructure projects in the five countries.

Mr. Xi’s letter comes ahead of US President-elect Donal Trump taking over as President later this month amid apprehensions that he would pursue hardline U.S. centric policies which Beijing avers will affect the current order of globalisation benefitting the emerging economies.

China hopes cooperation among BRICS grouping will move forward to a new level during its 9th summit, Mr. Xi said.