Jul 18, 2018

University, online job site renew cooperation

UNIVERSITI Tunku Abdul Rahman (Utar) is once again teaming up with JobStreet.com by launching a JobStreet Corner at its Kampar Campus.

Utar president Prof Datuk Dr Chuah Hean Teik said the university has a long-standing relationship with JobStreet.com, having, conducted various joint research projects since 2010.

"It is due to the assistance and support of industry partners like JobStreet that Utar has become what it is today.

"For instance, because of the support from several stakeholders, Utar was ranked in the Top 111-120 of the Times Higher Education Asia-Pacific University Ranking 2018," he said.

"I have faith that the ambassadors would be able to collaborate with JobStreet to benefit both organisations.

"This programme not only enables ambassadors to build character but also to develop skills through trainings provided by JobStreet.com," he said.

"Student ambassadors can also help their friends register for a JobStreet account and give advice about employment processes as well as career choices," he added.

JobStreet.com Regional Senior Manager Dominic Wong said they are happy to work with Utar in developing industry-ready graduates through the joint programmes.

"All student ambassadors were trained in the JobStreet.com workshop which was designed to help them assist other undergraduates to be more job market ready. The workshop also deepens the student ambassadors’ knowledge on the job market dynamics, leadership skills and how to conduct resume clinics," he said.

"We look forward to other collaborations in the future with Utar to help students be more career-ready as well as ultimately bridge the employments gaps in Malaysia,"

Presently, more than 51,000 Utar graduates have registered with JobStreet.com.