Oct 31, 2011

Using Negotiation Skills to Reach a Compromise

In the world of business, negotiations can play a major role in your success or failure. Even if you don’t realize it, virtually every interaction you have – with clients, customers, suppliers – falls into the category of negotiations. All too often, people do not fully consider the value that negotiation skills offer to businesses. There are many opportunities for a trained negotiator to take advantage of every day which can add greatly to the overall success of a company. Learning how to turn the opportunities for negotiations into positive events for your business is the main reason to take part in negotiation training programs.
Winning Isn’t Everything
You should have the ability to turn every business interaction you have into a positive for your business. But that does not mean that you need to “get the upper hand” in every one of these negotiations. In fact, when it comes to business negotiation, it is usually better to come out of it with a compromise agreement. This (hopefully) ensures that both parties are treated fairly, and would not have a problem conducting business together again in the future. As you well know, repeat business is good business, so try not to burn any bridges with your negotiation skills.
How to Reach a Fair Compromise
There are quite a few factors that go into
negotiation skills. Let’s go over some of these techniques that will help you get a fair deal without destroying business relationships.
1. Goals
You must first determine exactly what you want to get out of the interaction. At the same time, try to figure out what the other party wants. In all negotiation training programs, they teach that it is just as important to know what the other person wants.
2. Assets
What do you have that the other person needs? What does the other person have that you need? What are you willing to part with? What is the other person willing to part with?
3. Alternatives
It is not uncommon for negotiations to break down at some point. You may be unwilling to part with something that the other party wants, or vice versa. You negotiation skills will be sorely lacking if you do not learn to incorporate alternatives into your thinking. Determine what else you would accept after your primary goals.
4. Consequences
The most commonly overlooked aspect of a negotiation is the consequences. Many people fail to think of what will happen if they get their way in the interaction. Will it destroy your relationship with that person? If so, it may be better to compromise.
Invest in Training
There are many negotiation courses out there that will help you improve your negotiating skills. Make you sure look around for one that incorporates all of the aspects we discussed above. Invest in a very good, high-quality negotiation training program, and you will reap the benefits in the future.