Dec 28, 2011

How To Calculate The Number Of Pay Periods In A Loan?

When you consider taking out a loan, you may know how much you want to borrow, but you may not know how long it will take you to pay it back. The interest you pay can extend the life of the loan, making it difficult to determine the total number of payments you will have to make. If you gather three figures, you can calculate your total pay periods in a matter of a few minutes.


1.Write down the loan amount. This must be the actual amount of money you want to borrow, not the total payback amount. Lenders are required to tell you the total amount you will pay back over the life of the loan, but this includes interest, so don't list the payback amount. List the principal only, which is the actual amount you borrowed.

2.Record the monthly payment amount. This is sometimes called the EMI, which is the equated monthly installment. You can use an estimate for your monthly payment amount, based on what you would like to pay. Determine how much extra money you have in your household budget for loan installments, and assume for the purpose of making calculations that this will be your monthly payment.

3.Write your interest rate on your page of figures. You should call several lenders and determine what rates may be available to you. Don’t choose the most favorable rate for your calculations. Choose a rate that is the average of all rates quoted to you. This will give you a figure that is most likely to be close to the rate you will actually get.

4.Use a free online calculator to determine the total number of payments you will have to make (see References). Many mortgage companies and other lenders offer free calculators that allow you to enter your figures and determine the total number of payments you will make. The calculations can be done by hand, but these calculations require knowledge of logarithms. The calculators have the logarithms already entered in the software for you. Enter the loan amount, the monthly payments and the interest rate, and the calculator will tell you how many payments you will have to make.

Dec 23, 2011

Jobs And Employment

We are kicking off June to an early start by blogging about a topic that seems to be on everyone’s minds right now – JOBS & Employment! We will share with you articles of interest, provide you helpful tools and resources to aid you in your job search, and help answer questions that you might as you embark on this journey. We invite you to subscribe to our posts if you have not already done so, recommend & like our website to your friends and colleagues, and ask us your questions and provide feedback on the posts you read here.
All of this will help us tailor our topics to what you would like to read and learn more in your community locally in Milwaukee & statewide in Wisconsin. We are continually exploring and establishing new partnerships with other advocate agencies, employers, and local businesses to bring you an enriched portal with valuable resources.
The first post in this two part series is the Campaign for Disability Employment’s Outreach Toolkit. This is a great resource that promotes positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities in your business and community! The Campaign for Disability Employment is a collaborative effort to promote positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities by encouraging employers and others to recognize the value and talent they bring to the workplace. This toolkit contains resources that employers and groups can use in their outreach activities and website to promote awareness. These materials and resources are available for free on their website.
Being employed, having a job, supporting their family, being happy and healthy are all important factors in people’s lives today. In today’s economic climate, being able to find a good balance between all these factors can be quite challenging. In a recent article that CNN Money published, you can read How to find a job in 2011. The article discusses that though the job outlook is improving, the rules of landing a job have changed. The way job seekers are connecting with potential employers is also changing. If you are a job seeker reading this article, we’d like to hear the challenges you face in today’s job market. If you are someone that recently found a job through social networking, we’d like to hear your success story.
Please share your experience with us and the iCare-2b community in the comments section below. We hope that your stories and experiences will inspire others to continue their job search journeys and not to give up hope!

Dec 22, 2011

What's the Employee Rights After Termination

An employer is obligated to inform a terminated employee of his rights. The U.S. Department of Labor establishes and enforces the termination issues that are essential to an employee’s well being after they separate from a company. A worker that understandsrights as an employee is in the best position to ensure the company has not violated employment standards upon termination.
Final Paycheck
According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, employees must be paid “for all hours worked in a work week” up to and including the time they are terminated. While employers are not required to immediately give an employee their final paycheck, an employee has the right to receive her last paycheck on the regular payday of the last pay period worked. If a worker does not receive the final paycheck by this time, she may request assistance from their state’s department of labor.
Health Benefits
Employees that had group health insurance coverage through their employer lose their benefits upon termination. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives an employee the right to continue health benefits for a certain amount of time after their employment ends. An employee may also be able to purchase individual coverage once COBRA benefits have been exhausted.
Unemployment Benefits
Employees have the right to receive unemployment insurance benefits if they become unemployed through no fault of their own. Unemployment insurance provides temporary compensation to workers. Benefits are funded by taxes imposed on employers. Certain eligibility requirements as determined by state law must be met before an employee can collect unemployment, however. For example, an employee must meet the minimum salary requirements of their state. Further, a worker must prove that he is now unemployed through no fault of his own, such as for a layoff.
Equal Employment Opportunity
All employees have the right to work in an environment free from discrimination. A employee that suspects she was terminated because of discrimination has the right to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC investigates incidents that involve violation of an employee’s civil rights. An EEOC investigation can result in restitution of the employee’s job or compensation for damages suffered by the employee.
Employee Layoffs
The Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act require employers with more than 100 employees to provide at least 60 days advance notice of a mass layoff. During this time, workers have the right to seek other employment opportunities or training programs before the anticipated layoff date. Employees that do not receive proper notification can have the laws of the notification act enforced through the U.S. district courts if they feel their rights have been violated.

Dec 18, 2011

Expand, Succeed: What’s That Mean

I grew up in a typical middle-class home: loving parents, the youngest of three girls, a solid religious foundation, never wanting for the necessities while enjoying a comfortable life. In spite of this, I made choices that placed me in turmoil, drifting from day to day with no clear purpose, having nowhere to call home, all the while mastering the art of being unemployable.
By my 25th year I hit the lowest point imaginable. Not sure how this happened, I was quick to blame everyone but myself for the lack to which I became accustomed. I was abusing various substances to ease the pain, yet the more I attempted to escape, the greater the pain got.
My daily mantra was, “God, not another day.”
So, how did I go from this life of desperation to one in which I am blessed to do what I love, enjoying amazing abundance in all areas of my life, including clarity of mind and spirit?
I learned how to tap into an incredible source of energy that took me from a well-seasoned underachiever to an extremely high achiever.
This didn’t happen overnight. Nor did it happen without a few bumps in the road; some minor, some major.
Having come from a place of complete lack, with ever-increasing success (or what I thought success should be) I experienced something I never imagined. I became fearful of losing everything only to return to a life of desperation.
The greater the fear, the harder I pushed for success. At one point that meant getting as many awards and recognitions possible. Yet nothing would fill the secret hole I felt in my gut.Perhaps you are preparing to step into your next life chapter, but you feel afraid, unsure of how to make it happen. You have doubts and fears that it won’t come true. You so want more freedom; better, deeper, more loving relationships; more income; a healthier body; more knowledge; deeper faith; a career that inspires your passion. You want these, but are afraid that when you take that leap of faith, you’ll fall into the abyss rather than step into your bliss!
Are you really afraid or do you just not have a clearly defined vision of your passion and true purpose? You know it’s there; you’ve felt it; you’ve glimpsed it in your mind’s eye for a fleeting moment, but just can’t quite describe it exactly. Let’s take a moment to suspend fear and disbelief and catch a glimpse of your passion and purpose again.
Imagine living your life as you know you are meant to live it. You’ve been there before. Remember that perfect day, when all was in alignment.

Dec 14, 2011

Co-operation Make or Break

HOW people collaborate, in the face of numerous temptations to cheat, is an important field of psychological and economic research. A lot of this research focuses on the “tit-for-tat” theory of co-operation: that humans are disposed, when dealing with another person, to behave in a generous manner until that other person shows himself not to be generous. At this point co-operation is withdrawn. Fool me once, in other words, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor will learn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual. And there is experimental evidence, based on specially designed games, that tit-for-tat does work for pairs of people. Human societies, though, are more complex than mere dyads. And until recently, it has been difficult to model that complexity in the laboratory. But a paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Nicholas Christakis and his colleagues at Harvard has changed that. Dr Christakis arranged for a collaboration-testing game to be played over the web, with many participants. As a result, he and his team have gained a more sophisticated insight into the way co-operation develops.
Dr Christakis used what is known as a public-goods game for his experiment. At the beginning of such a game, points are doled out to each participant. During every round, players are given the opportunity to donate points to their neighbours. Points so donated are augmented by an equal number from the masters of the game. If everyone co-operates, then, everyone ends up richer. A “defector” who refuses to donate to his co-operating neighbours will, however, benefit at the expense of those neighbours. At the game’s end, the points are converted into real money, to ensure that proper incentives are in place.
To play his large-scale public-goods game, Dr Christakis recruited 785 volunteers via Mechanical Turk—a service provided by Amazon, an online retailer, that works by farming out small tasks to an army of individual workers. Each volunteer was randomly assigned links to, on average, eight other players. Together, they played repeated rounds of one of three variations of the game.

Dec 11, 2011

How To Dress For Negotiation

When you are going for an interview you have to be very cautious about your dress. Interview is a formal introduction with your perspective employer so wearing flashy or sexy clothes won’t do the trick. It is always wise to leave good impression on your employer by talking and behaving nicely without leaving bad impression.
As per a saying, your clothing tells a lot about your professionalism and helps in obtaining a job easily. In this article I am going to give you few interview dressing tips which will help you in securing a good job by leaving a nice impression on your employer.
Do not wear a strong perfume. Your employer or the HR might be allergic to strong perfume and would not like to indulge in long conversation.
Wearing proper business shoes will always be a good idea. Do not wear fancy or flashy shoes. Make sure your socks color matches with your dress and shoes.
Avoid wearing casual clothes while going for an interview. It would be nice to wear proper business suit to leave a big impact on the business community. Idea is to look closer to their culture and not to look alien in their world.
Some women find it very difficult to wear business suit because their body doesn’t allow them to wear such tight suits but believe me it will always be wise to wear nice business suit than any other casual suit. If business suit of good color is worn with dignity it will look good and leave a very nice impact. Do not choose colors which you wear for parties.
Business community and your employer is not interested in jewelry so avoid them as much as you can. Still, you can wear a very light pendant which matches with your business suit.
Do not wear heavy makeup and avoid any kind of hair sparkles. You are not getting ready for a party so just avoid all those and wear a very light and bright makeup.
Do not style your hairs in a vogue fashion; just tie them in a professional manner.
Display excellent hygiene by cleaning your nails, teeth’s. Personal hygiene counts as much as any other characteristics.
It is a common misconception that wearing sexy and short clothes will help in securing a job but its nothing but a myth. No organization will hire just because you wear short clothes, they would rather prefer decent clothing.
Sport a nice smile on your face and look relaxed even when you are asked a tough or complicated question.

Dec 7, 2011

The Only Win Win Solution

The online market on the world wide web is wide open to all businessmen around the globe. Any entrepreneur with some knowledge in computers and the Internet can start an online business of his own. There are many tycoons in the network marketing industry who publish their story of success on the Internet. This attracts several business minded people who want to chase the big bucks online. They either set up the MLM business on their own or join someone they already know in the business. But they regrettably wind up a few months after setting up the business because of stagnation or lack of profits. But by the time they realize it; the business would have cost them a small fortune and a lot of precious time.
They will have just two options in front of them: 1) wind up the business 2) acquire an online business system. The first option is taken by all losers and the second option is taken by the winners. The difference between winners and losers is their attitude. If the marketer has a good positive attitude, he will of course do whatever it takes to breathe life into his dying network business. An automated down line building system like my lead sys pro can save your business from closing down and take it to the highest level you could possibly imagine. The prospects will crowd your business and the money will start rolling in.
My lead sys pro is your win-win solution because there is no chance of failure once the system starts to pay. It can teach you how to do the multi level business, funnel enough leads for you to work with, train your team, keep you updated on the newest technologies utilized in the industry, provide you with the best performing down line building scheme and so on. There is almost nothing it cannot do for the growth of your online business. It keeps your network business progressing forever. You can build your business organization around it, surely and securely.
My lead sys pro is one of the best business training platforms available online. It can train you on how to close all your deals positively. The business will flourish and more and more money will be generated from your sales. At this moment, you can start the recruitment for your team. Use the same proven system to school the newcomers. Make them the foundation of your massive organization. Keep them motivated and they will keep your network marketing business on the move. The online training programs comprise of excellent webinars piloted by the big guys in the multi level marketing industry. Interacting with them will clear all your doubts on business. This will be a constant source of motivation for your team members. You can have your down lines attend the weekly live webinars or guide them to specific recorded webinars from the lead sys pro's collection.
The elite mastermind team of my lead sys pro will support you during every step of your growth. They are well-qualified professionals in the network marketing business. Their knowledge coupled with your experience will make your network marketing business one of its kind in the online business community.

Dec 4, 2011

My Lead System The Only Win Win Solution

The online market on the world wide web is wide open to all businessmen around the globe. Any entrepreneur with some knowledge in computers and the Internet can start an online business of his own. There are many tycoons in the network marketing industry who publish their story of success on the Internet. This attracts several business minded people who want to chase the big bucks online. They either set up the MLM business on their own or join someone they already know in the business. But they regrettably wind up a few months after setting up the business because of stagnation or lack of profits. But by the time they realize it; the business would have cost them a small fortune and a lot of precious time.
They will have just two options in front of them: 1) wind up the business 2) acquire an online business system. The first option is taken by all losers and the second option is taken by the winners. The difference between winners and losers is their attitude. If the marketer has a good positive attitude, he will of course do whatever it takes to breathe life into his dying network business. An automated down line building system like my lead sys pro can save your business from closing down and take it to the highest level you could possibly imagine. The prospects will crowd your business and the money will start rolling in.
My lead sys pro is your win-win solution because there is no chance of failure once the system starts to pay. It can teach you how to do the multi level business, funnel enough leads for you to work with, train your team, keep you updated on the newest technologies utilized in the industry, provide you with the best performing down line building scheme and so on. There is almost nothing it cannot do for the growth of your online business. It keeps your network business progressing forever. You can build your business organization around it, surely and securely.
My lead sys pro is one of the best business training platforms available online. It can train you on how to close all your deals positively. The business will flourish and more and more money will be generated from your sales. At this moment, you can start the recruitment for your team. Use the same proven system to school the newcomers. Make them the foundation of your massive organization. Keep them motivated and they will keep your network marketing business on the move. The online training programs comprise of excellent webinars piloted by the big guys in the multi level marketing industry. Interacting with them will clear all your doubts on business. This will be a constant source of motivation for your team members. You can have your down lines attend the weekly live webinars or guide them to specific recorded webinars from the lead sys pro's collection.
The elite mastermind team of my lead sys pro will support you during every step of your growth. They are well-qualified professionals in the network marketing business. Their knowledge coupled with your experience will make your network marketing business one of its kind in the online business community.